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What is Scrum and how it works - software development HOWTOs
Nowadays, software development rarely becomes a solitary effort. Designing, coding, testing requires a cross-functional team operating collaboratively and each member has tasks dependent
Waterfall model - software development HOWTOs
Some time ago we’ve acquainted you with several models and different ways of working with a remote team. Today we want to discuss some models of software development which can use your te
Ways of work with remote team: Dedicated Team vs. Individual Developers and QA
In the previous artice “Ways of work with remote team: Time and Materials vs. Fixed price”, we compared Fixed Price and Time and Materials models. So, let's move on. The following two mod
Ways of work with remote team: Time and Materials vs. Fixed price
We decided to continue a series of articles on the topic of working with teams, and first of all, of course, with remote ones. Last time, in “Tips How to Work With a Remote Team”, we trie
Tips How to Work With a Remote Software Development Team
One of the main parts of every working process is to interact with people around us. It is always great to have any of your team members right next to you: you can promptly resolve any is
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