Node.js developers: who are they?
In one of the last articles, we talked about Node.js and explained why it is not just a framework. Node.js is a run-time environment for JavaScript language. This tool allows you to run c
B2B portal is an internet platform that accommodates offers and conducts deals between companies and corporate bodies, for example, between manufacturers and wholesalers, or between wholesalers and distributors). Businesses can interact with numerous businesses utilizing such systems: with distributors, dealers, independent wholesalers, and retailers.
The primary functionality of B2B portals includes making wholesale holding agreements, processing purchase orders, document flow management, and referential information. Manufacturers can reduce the time for interaction with customers, lower the workload of their retail and support departments. Customers can use advanced search capabilities to sort and compare different options, explore detailed information about goods using the interactive catalogs with filtering functions, and get updates in real-time without connecting with a distributor personally.
As a b2b portal development company, we provide a perfect opportunity to grow the audience, promote loyalty among important clients, and thus secure your company’s profits. In WebSpaceTeam, we do not believe in off-the-shelf solutions. Our specialists start every project with a profound analysis of your business strategy, niche, and requirements. Then we thoroughly analyze the specifics of your industry identifying ways to bring your idea to life and craft a product, which will bring maximum benefit to your company.
According to statistics, 93% of all B2B clients prefer to make orders online after they made up their minds. 72 percent of them want to have the opportunity for self-service through their personal account. Portal provides customers with such functionality, thus increasing their loyalty and enhancing customer satisfaction rates.
Communication errors between the departments and human factor issues lower the productivity of the company by 20 percent, according to McKinsey. For example, an average manager spends 150 hours a year solving problems connected with the document flow. Synchronizing a B2B portal, ERP, and document flow processes helps to eliminate such problems.
If a company prefers to stick to traditional manual document processing, it may lead to inaccurate accounting, disruption, and downtimes. It results in the fact that customers spend time ordering items that are actually no longer available at the warehouses, get frustrated, and then go to another distributor. B2B platform, integrated with warehouse and inventory management systems, allows you to keep track of such issues in real-time.
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This universal type of B2B marketplace provides an opportunity to operate for any entrepreneur.
Such platforms serve as a place where manufacturers and wholesalers can close deals.
If an Internet store collaborates with manufacturers directly (basically being an official retailer), it can provide special offers for vendors and retail stores, functioning as a broker.
This type of website additionally acts as a reliable transactions warrantor and generally interlinks wholesalers and distributors of cars, automotive parts, and auto services.
Due to the fact that any business needs insurance services, such platforms help their customers to search for different options in this sphere and find one which fits them the most.
Utilizing the catalog's general function set a customer can receive personalized pricing options, monitor goods availability, view their photos and specifications.
The personal account allows tracking the order status, working with payment status, and monitoring return-refund requests.
You are able to monitor your current balance, reciprocal payments, and charge-backs. The system can generate standard documentation using customizable templates.
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